The dart stand was ready,
Dennis Eley, MC extraordinaire,
Enyd with a glorious smile at the Name The Bear stand
Nathan at the Plant stall
Peter at the Coconut shy,
Nobody here, no blame,
Matthew at the Shoot the Goalie
Helene at the Plant and Ice Cream
He too,
Lynne, at the Beat the Clock
The pretty girls at the Face Painting stall,
Su and Mum at the tombola stall,
All waiting for things ...
to be unveiled.
Some Lasso training, some riding before the real one
Ready for the big hunt
Let's separate!
Here is a print!
Can you see the Injun
Here they are
Run, run boys
First one will have a ride.
No mums, only for the kids. (Pretty fit though)
The next celeb...
Hey, where is the goaly going?
To the Dad's race!
and who is winning?
Whilst the dads are busy racing, let's score
Team spirit
Hoy, Jaimie you cannot leave you team...
Oh, yes I can, I am needed
Busy bees
Chill out time
The 3Bs:
The Band
The bar
and the Bouncy Castle.
When the going gets tough
I'm left hanging
Where is the duck?
Whatcha watching?
les petits rats de l'opera
Who the new
Time for farewell
Nobody here, no blame,
Matthew at the Shoot the Goalie
Helene at the Plant and Ice Cream
He too,
Lynne, at the Beat the Clock
The pretty girls at the Face Painting stall,
Su and Mum at the tombola stall,
All waiting for things ...
to be unveiled.
Some Lasso training, some riding before the real one
Ready for the big hunt
Let's separate!
Here is a print!
Can you see the Injun
Here they are
Run, run boys
First one will have a ride.
No mums, only for the kids. (Pretty fit though)
The next celeb...
Hey, where is the goaly going?
To the Dad's race!
and who is winning?
Whilst the dads are busy racing, let's score
Team spirit
Hoy, Jaimie you cannot leave you team...
Oh, yes I can, I am needed
Busy bees
Chill out time
The 3Bs:
The Band
The bar
and the Bouncy Castle.
When the going gets tough
I'm left hanging
Where is the duck?
Whatcha watching?
les petits rats de l'opera
Who the new
Time for farewell